Status: Production
Role: Director, Producer
With Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Jacques Mabit, and Humberto Piaguaje
Medicine is a feature-length documentary about what indigenous cultures know, and we have forgotten, about the world’s most powerful plant medicines. It follows the story of three doctors: An indigenous shaman in Colombia, from an ancient line of healers, who believes his powerful plants speak to him about how to heal his patients. A French doctor in Peru, who has adapted native practices into a hybrid healing centre with surprising results. And a maverick doctor and author in Canada, curious about the promise of this powerful plant – one he believes may hold answers where modern medicine has fallen short.
The feature version of the film is in production- currently seeking the last financing to complete editing and release the film.
A one-hour version aired on CBC’s The Nature of Things:
Prompting some controversy in Canada for our charismatic protagonist, Dr. Gabor Mate:
John Doyle of The Globe & Mail called the CBC version “Beautifully made”.
Mark Achbar (The Corporation) said “What a fantastic, gorgeous, ground-breaking, jam-packed, important piece of television you and your team created. You’ve done the world a great service. This film in all its versions will endure and propagate far and wide, with real impacts on people’s lives and public policy.”
And Naomi Klein tweeted about our Kickstarter campaign – “The Jungle Prescription, a transformative, beautiful film on addiction, needs help 4 final push. Rough cut is stunning”
The 1-hour doc was nominated for Best Science Documentary, Golden Sheaf Awards 2012.
The feature version was pitched at TDF, Hot Docs 2011- Winner, Cuban Hat Award
We published a companion book, The Ayahuasca Conversations, in 2017.
And created a special companion CD, Songs of Ayahuasca – here on our filmmaking partner Jeronimo’s excellent ayahuasca blog:
- March 7, 2018